The Life of Rudolf Spielmann

The Life of Rudolf Spielmann

I have recently had reason to go over some of the games of Spielmann, who was one of the incredible group who emerged and had success during the 1904-1914 period. Like many, his full strength as a chess player is not really appreciated, in my opinion. For various...
Certain scenarios regarding chess rating

Certain scenarios regarding chess rating

Today’s blog we’ll deal with a topic that has always been in the limelight: ‘Rating’. The rating system is some sort of higher mystical power which everyone respects and is subservient too. It is like the holy grail of chess. The thing that...
Improving your Chess vision

Improving your Chess vision

Before we do anything else, take out your stopwatch. Utilizing the accompanying position, I need you to produce two numbers as quick as you can and record your time: 1) How many legal moves does White have? 2) What number of those legitimate moves checkmate Black?...